
 This blog post is calling me out a little but if asked, I would say procrastination has had the biggest impact on me due to my anxiety. It is definitely my biggest struggle right now. I have a really hard time getting myself to do things that I need to do. Even if I have the motivation and I know I need to get it done, it isn't enough to get me to actually get up and do it. For example the dishes, I will have dishes in the sink sometimes over a week because I can't get myself to do them even though I know it only takes like 5 minutes and it would save so much relief and stress to just do it. A lot of the time I come up with excuses and reasons as to why I shouldn't or don't have to get it done at that time. 

Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing tasks or activities, often to avoid or defer unpleasant or challenging tasks in favor of more pleasurable or less demanding ones. It involves putting off important or necessary tasks that may lead to negative consequences such as stress, anxiety, or missed deadlines. Procrastination can manifest in various forms, from simply delaying tasks until the last minute to completely avoiding them altogether. It often involves distractions, such as browsing social media, watching television, or engaging in other non-essential activities to escape the discomfort or uncertainty associated with the task at hand.

While procrastination is a common behavior experienced by many people at some point, chronic procrastination can have detrimental effects on productivity, well-being, and overall success. It can lead to increased stress, decreased motivation, poor performance, and missed opportunities. Understanding the underlying causes of procrastination, such as fear of failure, perfectionism, lack of self-discipline, or difficulty managing time, is essential in overcoming this behavior and fostering more effective and efficient task management. Strategies for combating procrastination may include breaking tasks into smaller, more manageable steps, setting deadlines and goals, creating a structured schedule, minimizing distractions, and practicing self-compassion and forgiveness.


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